Various Endorsements

Buy my music at Rik Maclean's Ping Things!

My Host!

Mental Floss My brother: musician, DJ, d00d. And he hosts me! Check him out.

Artistic/Musical Friends and Acquaintances

Kristi Allik My electroacoustic professor from Queen's University. Also a member of LEARK.
Alexander Berman Musician from Göteborg, Sweden, performs as Nim. Member of Re and Flexing Swine.
c6 Léon Cullinane's artistic shit-disturbing organisation.
Mike Cassells Jazz drummer and electroacoustic composer. Also a member of Drinking Box and LEARK.
Craque Electronic musician from California. Free music!
Palle Dahlstedt Electroacoustic composer from Göteborg, Sweden, professor at the Art and Technology programme.
Dreamstate Toronto ambient music group who run The Ambient Ping.
Ekran Arts collective based out of Toronto.
Falconhawk Kara Keith's Calgary based synth-pop band.
Brandon Fodden Musician/Mathematician. With whom I formed A Monkey and His Dog, and The Lumber Dog Trio.
Brian House Musician from NYC (or Denver, depending on how you look at it). Member of Flexing Swine.
Jeph or Jeph (old) Jeph has his own brand of "special" music. Member of The Lumber Dog Trio.
Alexander Jensenius Electroacoustic composer from Oslo, Norway. Member of Flexing Swine.
Eugene Kim Ensign Kim hails from NYC (or Florida). Member of Flexing Swine.
Len Performs as Len9. Noisy?
Robert Mulder Visual artist and member of LEARK.
Kar-Zen Ng Classical/contemporary pianist from Thailand, now in Canada.
Matt Nish-Lapidus IDM music under the name mn-l. Great music, if you can find it.
Cheryl O Cellist and improvisor in Toronto.
Gabor Papp Former demo-scener and computer visual artist, member of Re.
Scott Perrier Kind of like Jeph. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes...
Michal Seta Guitarist, electronic musician from Montréal.
Adam Tindale Last I heard doing a PhD in Victoria. Also member of LEARK.
Matthew Vickery Visual artist from Cornwall (UK)
Annie Wan Crazy little video artist from Hong Kong.

Music/Art Connections
(what should I do with my creations? here are a few ideas)
11h11 A gallery in Montréal
The Ambient Ping Weekly ambient music concert series in Toronto An online Canadian arts organisation.
Brave New Waves Regular late-night awesome-music radio show on CBC.
Canada Council for the Arts They just might give you money for something.
Feedback Monitor Weekly experimental music radio show on CIUT FM in Toronto.
Distro A monthly DIY and distribution club with branches in Göteborg, Malmö, and Stockholm.
Dominion Recordings Jeremy Latta's record label based out of Ottawa, founder of the UELO.
Gallery 101 A gallery in Ottawa that has hosted all of the UELO shows.
Klubb Kollage A DIY club in Göteborg, Sweden.
Musicworks Magazine Experimental and New Music magazine based in Toronto.
The Music Gallery A new music performance space in Toronto.
Om Festival Annual electronic music festival in the bowels of the Ontario Wilderness.
SOCAN The Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada. A musicians' rights society.
Soundlist Toronto A weekly listserv of new and cool music events in Toronto.
Tone Deaf Fest What is proving to be an annual new music festival in Kingston, Ontario.
Transient Orange Matt Blair's promotions company and zine in Toronto (soon to be a record label?)
Wavelength A weekly concert series and zine in Toronto.
Weewerk Germaine Koh and Phil Klygo's Toronto apartment gallery/salon/performance space.

Music Related (Free!)

Pd Graphical music programming language (very similar to Max). All my music is now done in Pd.
Buzzmachines Jeskola Buzz freeware modular tracker software.
AnalogX Neat music and other software
MIDIOx and MIDIYoke MIDI tools that you cannot live without
Vorbis OGG Vorbis lossy compression is better than MP3
FLAC Free Lossless Audio Compression. Perfect for archiving
Peercast Peer-to-peer streaming radio, like Shoutcast
Second Face el-cheapo DIY MIDI knob box
µCapps Thorten Klose's DIY MIDI controller boxes. Great site
Creativesynth "Weekly" articles and information about electronic music creation.
Harmony Central Guitar tablature and general music news
Shareware Music Machine Archive of shareware/freeware/nagware music software

Music Related (Expensive)

M-Audio I use their Quattro, and would like to own all of their other products.
Cycling74 The makers of Max, the music software that no-one should be without (unless they're using Pd)
Sibelius The easiest music notation software. Steve Reich uses it!

Excellent Free Software

DVAssist Maps your keyboard in Windows to the Dvorak layout. Strange, eh?
The best little graphics viewer ever. And it's free!
This IM communicates with all the big instant messengers out there. Why have more than one IM on your computer?
"free" versatile text editor
Mozilla Firefox An awesome web browser


"news for nerds, stuff that matters"
Canada's National Newspaper

Internet/Computer Related

Toshiba I use the Satellite 5100P
Universal Currency Converter How much does that cost to me?
United Devices Cancer Research / Fight AIDS at Home Similar to seti@home but far more benevolent. Use your idling CPU to crunch numbers for cancer research.
Project Gutenberg Growing repository of digitised literature in the public domain
Mathworld Math related problems?

Time Wasters und Misc

Redmeat Comic strip, unique sense of humour
JeffK If you've ever played Quake online (especially in the early days) you will appreciate this
Hartwood Oak They make funky buildings!
Homestar Runner You like-a the e-mail?
Sodaplay Another immensely amusing timewaster.
University of Waterloo's Count and Capture games Mancala, an African board game.


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