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Gigs I played

Shows I ran

July 08-14, 2005

Artengine residency

Artengine gallery
44 Byward
Ottawa, ON, Canada

For my residency at artengine I've prepared a speakere-equipped backpack carrying a PDa. The PDa will convert computer wireless networks and activity to a personal musical soundtrack.

You may sign out the backpack and a bike at the artengine space and explore Ottawa's hidden WiFi topography.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Your Network is Mine
artengine new music series
Artengine gallery
44 Byward
Ottawa, ON, Canada


Artengine has recently aqcuired a gorgeous space in the Byward Market of downtown Ottawa. I will be performing at their opening show, broadcasting my set from unencrypted networks elsewhere in the city, using the environmental sounds as source for the music.

Monday, April 04, 2005

A Farewell concert
Café Publik

Göteborg, Sweden
Kl 19

Alex Berman, Hampus Petterson, and I in a farewell concert to myself. Was supposed to be another potato performance but I, uh, lost the electronics. <shrug>

Saturday, March 26, 2005

A study of the sonic capabilities of genetically modified potatoes
Today in Paradise

Röda Sten
Göteborg, Sweden
60 SEK

Alex Berman, Sue Huang, and myself, will finally answer the age-old question: which makes better music, genetically modified potatoes, or regular ones?

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Övre Husargatan 1
Göteborg, Sweden
kl 2130

The Hugs collective will be playing alongside My Enemy. Who will be the ultimate champion as laptop pop takes on sonic destruction? You find out! Also, um, some hip hop group that didn't want to play with us.

Friday, December 3, 2004


Övre Husargatan 1
Göteborg, Sweden
kl 1955
50SEK 1 day / 100SEK 3 days

Members of the Hugs group will be doing an improviganza for the ManiFEST festival. ManiFEST is also full of lots of other great acts that will definitely be worth checking out.

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Hugs: Miss Jacobs' Neighbourhood
at Big Love
Tunnbindaregatan 21
Hisingen by tram stop Vågmästareplatsen
Göteborg, Sweden
kl 19
Free, of course

The second incarnation of the Hugs series at Big Love. The theme of this show is based on Hampus Petterson's suggestion of using neighbourhood sound.

I'm opening up that idea to focus on the idea of the space of area, within and without the gallery. So the motivation should in some way tie into exploring these spaces that we frequently take for granted.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

nim med sinθ
Klubb Rekyl's Vinterfestival

at KTH
Stockholm, Sweden

nim and I with our regular mashing in this 2-day festival. I'll be performing on the Rubik's Cube again.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

at Big Love
Tunnbindaregatan 21
Hisingen by tram stop Vågmästareplatsen
Göteborg, Sweden
kl 19
Free, of course

Calling all knob twiddlers, sound mashers, and people of open musical mindsets.

Big Love would like to start hosting a series of semi-regular evenings of musical collaboration and experimentation and is seeking all those with a creative musical spirit.

The first event is an open workshop on Wednesday, November the 10th at kl 19. The purpose of the workshop is to get a grasp of your interests and skills, but is also open to curious and skilled audience members. Bring yourself, bring your gear/toys/instruments, bring some food (preferably to share, music sounds better when you're eating).

The next event is Wednesday, December the 1st. That day will be more of an organised night after we know where we stand from the 1st workshop night, but will by no means be an "unworkshop". Consider these nights opportunities to share and experiment.

I also want in no way to limit participation and participants to specific styles or instrumentation. Acoustic and electronic musicians alike are welcome (although you acousticians may want to make sure you can plug in to make yourself heard, should that be an issue). The most important thing is that you are interested in *experimenting*.

If you are interested in participating then show up on the 10th, but please try to drop me an e-mail beforehand. Pass this on to anyone in town who you think would be interested, and even out-of-towners who might like to drop by.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

David McCallum with mn-l and Kara from Falconhawk
Tin Tin Tin

at The Drake Hotel
1150 Queen St. W.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Doors at 2100h, show at 2200h sharp
Pay what you can ($5-10)

The Globe and Mail's entertainment columnist Carl Wilson's Tin Tin Tin is a
genre-mashing extravaganza, taking desperate musicians from disparate
genres and mixing with questionable results.

I'll be playing with Toronto's own mn-l and Kara of Falconhawk. Our set's dubbed "real-time improv meets new-wave-synth-pop-prov".

For more info.

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

Drinking Box
The Ambient Ping

at Club Nia / C'est What
19 Church St. (Church St. and Front St.)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Doors at 2100h

An entire evening of myself and Mike Cassells (also from LEARK) with our renegade side project, Drinking Box.


Saturday, June 5, 2004

Art and Techonolgy Final Show
Anders carlssons gata 9
Göteborg, Sweden

Art and Technology final showing involving installations, performances, you name it! I will be playing with Flexing Swine and... hacky sacking!

Friday May 14, 2004

nim med sinθ
Kollage: Smash it Up
at the Oceanen
Göteborg, Sweden
40 kr

Kollage the DIY club again. This time with the theme of "destruction".

Alex and I will be "destroying" singer/songwriters.


CANCELLED Sunday May 9, 2004

nim med sinθ
at Big Love
Tunnbindaregatan 21
Hisingen by tram stop Vågmästareplatsen
Göteborg, Sweden

The first in what hopes to be a regular Sunday afternoon music event at Big Love. Come chill out and see what weird sounds get created. Probably similar stuff to what will have been played at Pustervik previously.


Wednesday May 4, 2004

nim med sinθ
Sudd and Pop Dart release party
at Pusterviksbaren
Göteborg, Sweden
50 kr

With Alex Berman. It is the release party for two compilations, I believe (neither of which we're on). There will be rock shows upstairs in Pustervik, and Alex and I will be playing in the bar/cafe/lounge between sets. Our aim is to use old electronics as sound sources, this will probably include a b/w TV set, antique radio, and a reel-to-reel machine. And maybe more!


Sunday, March 28, 2004

Re - nim med sinθ
at Meeths
Kungsgatan 35 (3 floors up), nära Domkyrkan
Göteborg, Sweden
Pay what you can/want

Distro is a monthly club for self-promotion and DIY constructions.

I will be playing with Alex Berman (nim). We will be taking live audio from Kungsgatan (most likely a microphone hanging outside the window) right outside the venue, and processing it live into some sort of coherent music.

Doing video are Annie Wan and Gabor Papp.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Re - nim med sinθ
Sirén Festivalen
at Pusterviksbaren
Göteborg, Sweden
70/90SEK? I think this is for the concert afterwards. If you ask me, you shouldn't have to pay this.

Sirén Festivalen is an annual festival of student composers in Gothenburg. Alex Berman and I will be doing something similar to what we will be doing at Distro later this month. Read below for a description.

Also involved are Annie Wan and Gabor Papp.


Saturday, January 24, 2004

, Ontario
9 pm EST

This is a followup to the previous lecture but will be approximately an hour long performance.

  • I will be doing the Shoutcast broadcast from stream.mentalfloss.ca:8000
  • The stream will also be broadcast using Peercast peer-to-peer audio streaming. I strongly suggest you go download the client and give it a shot. Projects like these are worth supporting. Then listen in by using this link.
  • I will be opening my desktop to VNC connections at sintheta.mentalfloss.ca:0 with the password view
  • The broadcast time has changed to 2100h EST (that's 0300h GMT +1 for me, ugh)

Friday, January 23, 2004

, Ontario
10 am EST

A broadcast from here in Sweden to Canada. This is a lecture on Pd for a media technology class.

Wednesday, December 17 -
Friday December 19, 2003

at Mölndals Musset
south of Göteborg
Open 1200-1600h

A video/audio installation with Gabor Papp of Hungary.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Flexing Swine
Övre Husargatan 1
Göteborg, Sweden
1930-1950h, 2040-2100h
60 kr cover, I think

ManiFEST is a culture-of-all-kinds festival being held atalante in Göteborg. Flexing Swine will be accompanying a painter (no idea what his name is) doing some live painting. Two sets.


Friday, October 10, 2003

Flexing Swine
Klubb Kollage

at Oceanen
Göteborg, Sweden
Doors at 2000h
40 kr cover

Dubbed a "laptop battle" by the Kollage do-it-yourself-klubb with poets and live visuals. Also featuring merch (demos, fanzines, clothes), Cut'n'paste (graphic/fanzine/poster workshop), T-shirt printing and sewing, and beads. All in a DIY spirit!

Flexing Swine
Stadtblind 12
322 Union Ave.
New York City, USA

This is a broadcast from Göteborg to an event in New York City. The official brief says:

"Bringing Berlin to Brooklyn's Burg…For the first time, the Berlin-based artist collaborative Stadtblind presents its work in New York. Through photography, architecture and graphic design Stadtblind uncovers Berlin's particularities, making visible the places that disappear from the city's perception, the »blind spots« on the mental maps of Berlin."

Thursday, October 9, 2003

Flexing Swine
IT University Open House
4th floor, Santos building
Utvecklingsgatan 2
Göteborg, Sweden
no charge

Just an open house for the public by the IT University. A bunch of us will be doing a jam for all who care to watch.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

The Ambient Ping
at Club Nia / C'est What
19 Church St. (Church St. and Front St.)
Toronto, Ontario
Doors at 2100h

Also playing are Aiden Baker, Thomasz Krakowiak, DJ Blameshifter, and Mike Hansen. I will be playing the first set.

CANCELLED Saturday, August 16, 2003

United Empire Loyalist Orchestra
Requiem for a Lighthouse
Gallery 101
Ottawa, Ontario
2000h start time
cover ??? probably very reasonable (~$5)

The UELO is a collective project run by Jeremy Latta. Previous events have been the Three Hour O Canada, The Requiem for Cam Neely 24 hour drone show, and Profile of Single Women.

In other UELO news, I've recently been appointed Champion of Post Production!

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

The Ambient Ping

at Club Nia / C'est What
19 Church St. (Church St. and Front St.)
Toronto, Ontario
Doors at 2100h

LEARK's playing (Kristi Allik, Mike Cassells, Robert Mulder, and me!). For the second set we are joined by special guest Cheryl O.


Friday, July 4, 2003

Acidusa de Mornay presents: Circus Circus Circus
129 Peter St. (at Richmond St., above Fez Batik)
Toronto, Ontario
2130h start
$8 + non-perishable food item or $9

Solo set. I think this is going to be a local showcase of musicians and DJs. I will be the third set of the night.


Friday, May 23, 2003

Montréal, Québec

I will be broadcasting my set remotely to the party from Toronto. Aren't we geeks.

Saturday, May 3, 2003

I will not be playing this show. I've had to cancel due to illness. But the show is still happening, so check it out!

Profiles of Single Women
with the United Empire Loyalist Orchestra

Pleasure Through Sound
New Music Series

Gallery 101
Ottawa, Ontario
2000h doors open
$7 at the door or $50 for the festival

The UELO is a collective project run by Jeremy Latta. Previous events have been the Three Hour O Canada and The Requiem for Cam Neely 24 hour drone show.

This is a less time-intensive event. A one-hour set using samples and photos of... single women! Guaranteed to be stimulating.

Also performing is Cow Paws from Toronto.

Wednesday, April 2, 2003

Rm. 120, Harrison-LeCaine Hall, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario

I will be premiering (what a word) my thesis composition for solo violin and computer, One Hand Clapping. Danielle Lennon on violin.


Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Experimental Music at the Grad Club.
(see the next column)

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Tone Warp
Dunning Auditorium
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
1930h (?)

I'm playing bird parts with my didgeridoo for a section of Eight Songs for a Mad King by Peter Maxwell Davies.

Monday, March 10, 2003

Mosaic Concert Series
Rm. 120, Harrison-LeCaine Hall, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario

The group LEARK will be performing in this all-electronic show.

Saturday, March 8, 2003

Sundaze Film Festival
Etherington Auditorium, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario

The film Bench, from the Focus Film Festival, is being shown. I did the soundtrack.

Friday, March 7, 2003

Shipper and Ripper
Exposure Arts Festival
Lower Ceilidh, JDUC, Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario

Watch me subject the student populace to my noise. They're going to love it.


Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Experimental Music at the Grad Club.
(see the next column)

Saturday, March 1st, 2003

Scallop Potato Productions' 3rd Bi-Annual World Video Premiere Release Party
Some church in Brockville, Ontario.
At some time.

Screening of local shorts. Bench will be played. (this entry was added retroactively to the events listing)

Tuesday, February 4, 2003

Experimental Music at the Grad Club.
(see the next column)


Friday, January, 24, 2003

Focus Film Festival screening
Kingston, Ontario
Etherington Hall, Queen's University
admission probably free

Contestants are given three days to produce a short film. Under the guidance of Erik Martinson, David Missio, and others, I did a soundtrack for the film Bench.

This is the screening for all submitted films. And ours will win.

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Experimental Music at the Grad Club.
(see the next column)

Friday, November 1, 2002

The Canadian Electronic Ensemble
with LEARK
Kingston, Ontario
Rm. 120, Harrison-LeCaine Hall (the music building), Queen's University Campus
Admission: free!
2000h start time

This show is a concert put on by the Canadian Electroacoustic Ensemble, they are graciously letting us jam with them for the last piece of the show.

LEARK (Live ElectroAcoustic Research Kitchen) is a live electronic group comprising of Dr. Kristi Allik, Mike Cassells, Aglaia Lessard, Myself, Robert Mulder, and Adam Tindale. It was originally put together as a group to promote live electronic music in Kingston and Queen's and to present electronic compositions. It is now mainly an improvisational group.

Friday and Saturday, October 4 and 5, 2002

A Moneky and His Dog
tone deaf fest
Kingston, Ontario
The Princess Court Theatre
Tickets $15 at Zap Records (340 Princess St.), the Queen's UBS (upper ceilidh, JDUC on Queen's Campus), and from Craig Leonard at (613) 531-0331 or elevenfifty@hotmail.com

My set is 2000h on Saturday the 5th. But you should check out the whole event (starting Friday at 2000h), especially Knurl at 2300h Friday.

I'm playing with Brandon Fodden (the Lumber Dog of the Lumber Dog Trio, but we will be the Duo, as jeph is in Oregon for the rest of his life). Note that even though it says "sin theta" We'll probably be playing as A Monkey and His Dog. Maybe. Who knows.

The "official" release says: "kingston's first festival of noise--the tone deaf fest--will be a two-night affair at the princess court theatre, once a grand cinema that has recently re-opened for special events. performers include knurl, their gods were flesh (jason bellchamber/peter thompson), patrick gregory, matthew boughner [original release had a typo for his name, it is corrected here], the city that fun forgot, sin theta, clive robertson and ctrl f.

June 1 and 2, 2002

United Empire Loyalist Orchestra
Requiem for Cam Neely
Ottawa, Ontario
Gallery 101
8pm - 8pm
Free admission

A 24 hour drone of the note D. No other notes allowed!

Photos of the requiem are available.

Now and then, 2004/2005

at Big Love
Tunnbindaregatan 21
Hisingen by tram stop Vågmästareplatsen
Göteborg, Sweden
Free, of course

Calling all knob twiddlers, sound mashers, and people of open musical mindsets.

Big Love is hosting a series of semi-regular evenings of musical collaboration and experimentation and is seeking all those with a creative musical spirit.

Bring yourself, bring your gear/toys/instruments, bring some food (preferably to share, music sounds better when you're eating).

I also want in no way to limit participation and participants to specific styles or instrumentation. Acoustic and electronic musicians alike are welcome (although you acousticians may want to make sure you can plug in to make yourself heard, should that be an issue). The most important thing is that you are interested in experimenting.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Attack of the PANTs workshop
at Big Love
Tunnbindaregatan 21
Hisingen by tram stop Vågmästareplatsen
Göteborg, Sweden
110SEK for materials

We built Portable Art Noise Things, contacts mics connected to self-powered speakers. Take them with you and amplify anything, annoy the public!

Winter 2003

Experimental Music at the Grad Club
The Grad Club, top floor (on Queen's campus)
Kingston, Ontario
1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month
8 pm

With Craig Leonard, the man behind the original Tone Deaf.

Spring 2002

suh ¤ xlf
Queen's University Campus
Kingston, Ontario

I will be returning to Kingston in the spring and hope to continue a concert series of some sort.

suh ¤ xlf is a series of happenings in collaboration with Kathryn Wehrle that explore interactions between visual art and music that began on February 1st, 2002 (with surprising success). The name is a play on the Fluxus happenings in the 1960s. The idea originates in exploring different methods of guiding musical improv. I've found that unless there's some sort of rough framework in an improv it can tend to be a little aimless.

The event works in sets. In each set there are two media: music, and visual art. One medium is chosen to be the leader and the other the follower. The leader must create something on the spot. The follower's job is to improvise based on how they interpret what's being created by the other medium.

I don't want to limit the event to these two media. I want it to be open to people of all creative media. I'm particularly interested in role-reversal interactions such as having a dancer be the leader while the music follows. Unfortunately I don't know any dancers who are also into progressive artistic thought. So if you're interested in participating you should contact me!

suh ¤ xlf is open to all people of a creative mindset. Although I may renege that.

September 2001 - April 2002

Room 128, Harrison LeCaine Hall
Queen's University Campus
Kingston, Ontario

Mosaics will now be run by X-tian Allan, as I'm no longer the studio manager at Queen's for this year.

There is a big hole in my performing experience before this date because I just didn't start keeping records. So anything below this is either added retroactively as I come across documentation, or really just a best guess.

April 8, 2002

suh ¤ xlf
Ultraviolet CD Release Party
The Grad Club, 3rd floor
Queen's University campus
Kingston, Ontario

suh ¤ xlf in conjunction with the UV CD Release Party.

(date?) March 2002

Kingston Canadian Film Festival
Etherington Auditorium
Queen's University campus
Kingston, ontario

With Brandon Fodden (before we were A Monkey and His Dog)


Room 128, Harrison LeCaine Hall
Queen's University Campus
Kingston, Ontario

You know, I did a few of these. Maybe I've still got some of the programmes around.

(date?) April 2000

MUSC255 Year End Concert
Room 128, Harrison LeCaine Hall
Queen's University Campus
Kingston, Ontario

My performance was with Jeff McKay, Rami Abul-Husn, and Brad (something or other)

home ¤ events e-mail: sintheta_webmentalfloss.ca